Date Submitted
2015-04-28 12:55:19
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Central Election Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Primary E-mail
MEMBER OF Central Election Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan
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2 Women’s Empowerment
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By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 4 December 2014 No. 971 has been appointed as a Vice-Chairperson of the National Commission for Women, Family and Demographic Policy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Statement Title
Women’s Affairs and Family-Demographic Policy
Statement (600 words limit)
Istanbul, 9 May 2015
Lyazzat Zhanylyskyzy Suleimen, deputy chairwoman
of the National Commission for Women’s Affairs and Family-Demographic Policy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Let me welcome you from the Republic of Kazakhstan and thank you for the invitation to take part in the Summit of Women Leaders.
I am confident that the work of Istanbul Summit will be positively productive and useful for girls and women and my country.
Given that more than half of the population of Kazakhstan is women (52 %), the progressive sustainable development of our country depends largely on women.
Now the world clearly understands that the woman’s role in today’s realities is multifaceted and it is needed to create the conditions for her full development.
The National Commission for Women’s Affairs and Family-Demographic Policy, which I represent, pays special attention to the issues of employment of women, support to entrepreneurship of women, youth, elderly, persons with disabilities, protection of motherhood and childhood, strengthening family values, cultivating a healthy lifestyle, formation of the society of universal labor.
Together with international organizations, we are working on integrated implementation of international commitments to achieve equality between men and women, extending social, economic and political rights and opportunities of women within the framework of Convention on elimination of all forms of discrimination against women.
The Republic of Kazakhstan adopted and implements the Gender Equality Strategy, which reflects the aspirations and ambitions of a modern Kazakh woman.
This Strategy puts a target to achieve the 30% representation of women at the level of decision-making.
The actual representation of women, including in government bodies in our country, is growing steadily. For example, there are 27 women in the Mazhilis of Parliament, and about 19 % in maslikhats at all levels.
Our today’s forum is also intended to contribute to this process in the whole world.
I hope that speakers’ presentations as well as an active exchange of views will be useful for all participants and they will be able to successfully apply their knowledge in their work.
I wish you every success.