Date Submitted
2014-05-06 18:49:53
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Gender Alliance for Development Centre
Primary E-mail
Executive Director
Please choose the theme
2 Women’s Empowerment
Please briefly describe your organisation
The Gender Alliance for Development Centre is a non-profit organization, founded in 1994 by a group of activists, protectors of women’s rights as part of human rights. The Gender Alliance for Development CentreoperatesthroughoutAlbania, trying to be the voice of the Albanian women and a force of change. Our organization works for and contributes to strengthening of Albanian women and to ensure justice for them in all aspects of life.
Statement Title
Suggestions Albanian Women's Empowerment
Statement (600 words limit)
We would like to remind and continue to seek from the main actors of the Albanian society, positive actions for the progress of the Albanian women, their economic development and decision-making. We have specific suggestions for political parties in the country, which are based on the findings from the studies conducted on the causes of gender issues and from conclusions from meetings with Albanian women and girls throughout the country.
Suggestions for the members of the Albanian Parliament:
• To promote inclusive and detailed policies for the achievement of gender equality in Albania;
• To require enforcement and implementation of Gender Equality Strategy in Albania and monitor the implementation of the legislation and policies for gender equality and against gender based violence.
• To develop quality standards for systems of care for children, elderly and special needs persons due to their different abilities.
• To achieve as it is specified in the Electoral Code the quota of 30% of women in the Parliament and not only in the lists of the candidates.

Suggestions for the Albanian Government
• To ensure adequate funding for programs, policies and actions pro women’s rights and pro gender equality in every field;
• To require that each ministry and institution recognize and apply the principles of gender budgeting and to address important gender issues and social inclusion, especially for women’s head of household and disable women;
• To integrate gender equality in textbooks and to include a course on gender based violence and its consequences in family and society in school curriculums;
• To recognize women’s labour in rural areas, in agriculture and livestock farming, helping them increase production and sales through modernization of agricultural equipment, infrastructure, regulations and promotion of local products;
• To fight against poverty of the unemployed women as well as of those who are employed but living at or below poverty standards, by creating job opportunities and to end gender inequality in wages and consequently in pensions.
Suggestions for the Albanian media:
• To ensure that programs, articles and all other communications are free from gender stereotypes and sexist terms;
• To promote women and girls who are successful in leadership positions, business, politics, etc.
Suggestions for donors:
• To ensure available funds for Albanian women’s empowerment through training, awareness raising sessions and economic development programmes.
• To support women’s NGOs in Albania as a base for employment of other women and a hearth of education and development of women to become part of decision making and public speaking platforms.