Date Submitted
2014-04-30 20:37:27
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Women like you
Primary E-mail
Political scientist. Specialist in gender and international relationes
Please choose the theme
2 Women’s Empowerment
Please briefly describe your organisation
Women like you is an NGO wich main objective is to promoe women´s rights in Argentina. The main topics of women like you are Violence against women, human trafiiking and women´s empowerment. More information
Statement Title
More Women
Statement (600 words limit)
The dissertation "More politicians who are women, more politics for women" has two main objectives. Firstly, to describe women participation in the public sector in Argentina, especially in the legislative branch. In second place, and in relation with the importance of women's access to decision making positions for democracy, we will present the women's empowerment campaign "More Women", started by the NGO "Mujeres Como Vos" -Women Like You-. Its objective is to invite women to make an agenda of public policies from a gender empowerment perspective, from a virtual platform. The commitment we make is to introduce this agenda to the next Argentine President, during the national elections of 2015.