Date Submitted
2014-04-29 19:02:25
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4 Education
Please briefly describe your organisation
ANU-AR is a not-for-profit civil association whose main aim is to organize projects and activities to disseminate knowledge about international relations, contemporary history and different cultures in order to achieve a pacific, tolerant and sustainable world.
Statement Title
Education for Peace
Statement (600 words limit)
ANU-AR is a not-for-profit civil association whose main aim is to organize projects and activities to disseminate knowledge about international relations, contemporary history and different cultures in order to achieve a pacific, tolerant and sustainable world.
We seek to raise awareness of current world’s problems and commit every citizen to peace, understanding the world as a big melting pot which can and must share life peacefully and harmoniously.
Our framework are the United Nations’ guiding principles and purposes included in its constitutive Charter, and we hope that they become an international way of life instead of being merely useless declarations in a piece of paper.
We consider that starvation and war, indigence and violence, poverty and violations of human rights, lack of opportunities and transnational organised crime are totally unacceptable.
We strongly believe that civil society has a main role in the construction of a pacific world. We believe in education as a powerful transformative tool for peace and as a means for waking people and nations up. We believe that beyond rulers and historical periods, the nations committed to peace do not succumb to messianic and extremist ideologies. We are inclined to believe that knowledge, awareness, proactive participation and commitment are essential for achieving a pacific and sustainable world. These principles and values guide ANU-AR’s direction and make its way.
Civil society must know what is to be a refugee, it must know that war is not an action film that we watch on TV, it must also know how minorities affected by intolerance suffer, it must know how does it feel not having water. And civil society should find unacceptable each one of these situations even though they do not occur in its place. Education and knowledge regarding world issues are substantial to achieve this goal.
ANU-AR has created a think-tank of analysts in international relations and contemporary history whom organize seminars, conferences, debates and forums open for public discussion where each week dozens of people are involved. Some of the topics discussed with academic rigor and open-mindedness are: the African situation, contemporary armed conflicts, humanitarian intervention, sport and international policy, regional integration, Islamic culture and Buddhist tradition.
In addition, we work with Argentine blue helmets deployed in Haiti to complete their military training. Besides, through United Nations Models we can work with the younger population to initiate them into the world of politics and international relations and into the decision-making process responsibly.
Moreover, to contribute to the dissemination of knowledge and research, ANU-AR publishes a quarterly journal called Agora Internacional where the best international and Argentine academics write about different key issues of our time.
Finally, in ANU-AR we are truly convinced that concrete action is essential; thus we sponsor a rural school in the Argentine hinterland where we try to change the life of children whom do not have access to education and basic healthcare.
ANU-AR as all NGOs is supported by the voluntary contributions of its members and donations from those who believe in it. To grow and expand NGO`s action i`s necessary more corporate social responsibility and more financial support. We encourage these action. That is the challenge; overcome bureaucratic and civil society, businessmen, governments and international organizations can work together towards a common future in a better and equal world.